14 ANSWERS about WHY you would need an ANIMAL COMMUNICATION

14 ANSWERS about WHY you would need an ANIMAL COMMUNICATION
- Greater understanding about how your animal feels, what is his perspective of life. Deepening intimacy, hearing his personal point of view, as well expressing your point of view.
- Discovering possible reasons linked to behavioral problems. Please be aware that they act naturally in a certain way that cannot sometimes be adapted to our way of living or to our liking.
- Understanding and helping with emotional issues.
- Checking their physical discomfort, where they feel pain and how we can help them.
- Informing them about your absence, holiday and when you return. It can reduce anxiety stress.
- Preparing for a change within the family (moving, travelling, expecting a baby).
- Introducing new animals in a home.
- Afraid your pet is mirroring your own stress or illness.
- In case of divorce who does the animal want to stay with. How does it affect him?
- Helping rescue animals who need help to find a new home. Explaining them where they are and what adoption means Find out what family they would like. Helping them to process their abandonment issues.
- You have rescued an animal, you are concerned about his past and want to help him heal.
- Preparing for a medical procedure. Telling them exactly what is going to happen and why.
- Supporting and understanding with compassion your animal’s needs through death. When are they ready to pass over? what do they need? Do they want to be assisted by a vet?
14. Connecting to your animal spirit after death.